Corrie and Me
“If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed. If you look within, you’ll be depressed. But if you look at Christ, you’ll be at rest.” Corrie Ten Boom
Corrie ten Boom both arrived and departed this world on April 15th.
Forty-five years ago, she spoke in my college chapel. The day before, word leaked through the Christian grapevine, and the administration feared our auditorium would be packed with guests leaving no room for students. A few of us were asked to keep the visitors at bay until the students were seated.
As we guarded the entryway, the swelling crowd of little, blue-haired ladies was growing restless. One lady toddled up to me, and I began my spiel about students’ required attendance and that she would need to wait outside. She interrupted me, smiled and said, “Oh, that vill never do. I’m to be da speaker.”
During chapel, through her mesmerizing Dutch brogue, she recounted numerous atrocities, and how in the midst of her despair, she read the last chapter of Revelation. There she realized the powerful truth; in the end, “Ve Vin!”
Jesus said, In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). As we move toward Easter, we are reminded of Easter’s unshakable hope, that in the end, “We Win.” Don’t let circumstances, no matter how excruciating, obscure that reality – Jesus wins!