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A Change for the Better

Nº 133 weekly devotions to refresh your soul by Dr. Dan Bolin - February 16, 2021

Image credit: Corduroy illustration by Don Freeman
“Legalism says God will love us if we change. The gospel says God will change us because He loves us.” - Tullian Tchividjian

My grandchildren love the book, Corduroy. A small stuffed bear in a department store is neglected and unwanted, in part because his green overalls are missing a button. After a failed attempt to find the button and fix the problem himself, Corduroy’s life takes a remarkable turn. Lisa, a young girl who loves Corduroy, spends her lifesavings to purchase him and carry him home. Once in her bedroom she sews a new button on his overalls. “I like you the way you are,” she said, “but you’ll be more comfortable with the shoulder strap fastened.” Christianity’s delightful irony is that while God loves us just the way we are, He also wants to change us for the better. He knows we will be more comfortable and more effective with the transformation He has in store. After Jesus rescued the woman caught in adultery from an angry mob, he said, “neither do I condemn you. . . Go now and leave your life of sin.” (John 8:11) He loved her AND wanted her to change. Eventually Corduroy realized Lisa’s love and exclaimed, “You must be a friend.” Jesus, our forever friend, loves us as we are AND desires to make us better.

Dan Bolin President Refueling in Flight Ministries, Inc


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