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Dan Bolin

Don't Be Duped

 If you believe what you like in the gospel, and reject what you don’t like, it is not the gospel you believe, but yourself. - St. Augustine

Norman Rockwell captured snapshots of ordinary people doing ordinary things in ways that connected deeply with his viewers.

In his famous “Triple Self-Portrait,” Rockwell reveals his back, his likeness in a mirror, and the portrait that he is creating on the canvas. One notable detail is a helmet perched atop his easel.

As a young artist in Paris, Rockwell was duped into buying the helmet, believing a Roman soldier had worn it. In reality, it belonged to a Parisian firefighter!

For our spiritual protection, Paul tells us to, “Take the helmet of salvation ...” (Ephesians 6:17). Acquiring a false helmet is embarrassing for anyone, but it can be eternally fatal if it is a false helmet of salvation.

The world offers many “false helmets” of salvation; only accept the authentic equipment provided by God through the true gospel that Paul distilled for the Corinthians. “By this gospel you are saved. . .Christ died for our sins. . .that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day. . .and he appeared to more than 500!” (I Corinthians 15:2-6)

This Easter season, enjoy the protection and security that God provides through Christ’s death and resurrection – the true gospel of Jesus Christ.


Dan Bolin

Author & President


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