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Smash the Snake

Dan Bolin

Nº 206

weekly devotions to refresh your soul by Dr. Dan Bolin - JuLY 12, 2022

Jesus taught that your highest priority must be your relationship with Him. If anything detracts you from that relationship, that activity is not from God. God will not ask you to do something that hinders your relationship with Christ. - Henry Blackaby

When Hezekiah became king of Judah, he initiated an amazing spiritual revival. God blessed him, and he is remembered as one of the greatest kings in the nation’s history.

Second Kings records one of his odd achievements. “He broke in pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made, for until those days the people of Israel had made offerings to it.” (2 Kings 18:4) A relic that symbolized God’s love, protection, and healing had deteriorated into a pagan amulet. (You can read the story in Numbers 21:4-9.)

This amazing artifact that conveyed spiritual significance in earlier times had become a source of distraction and confusion. Counterproductively, worshipping the symbol provided a sense of security while the people returned to their rebellious behavior.

God wants our authentic worship and faithful obedience. Sometimes comfortable even noble practices from our past get in the way of God-honoring worship and obedience today. Going through the motions of worship without our hearts’ engagement or aligning our behavior without a sacrificial heart are dangerous pathways.

Live authentically and find the courage to destroy anything that keeps you from reflecting God’s justice and mercy to those who are dying from the snakebite of sin.

Dan Bolin President Refueling in Flight Ministries, Inc


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